Announcements Regarding
Occidental Institute |
September 2018..
With regret and sadness, we advise everyone that Occidental Institute Research Foundation permanently closed its doors on 29 June 2018, a few days short of their 46th Anniversary. Their Founding and Managing Director, Carolyn L. Winsor has semi-retired and will continue to make the legacy of OIRF materials available to practitioners.
For further information, news & updates, training and availability of the OIRF publications and materials, you are invited to visit her new website at Temporarily we will maintain this much-reduced OIRF website offering basic information about that venerable old non-profit Foundation.
Praxis2Practice Consulting will continue to make all OIRF materials and publications available along with a few smaller practitioner/patient devices. Recommendations based on Carolyn’s years of experience and involvement with Biological Medicine are accessible through her new website. You can request to be added to her new email lists through the information form on her website.
Please follow this link to see more information on Biological Medicine!
I thank you for your interest and will look forward to hearing from you again.
Carolyn L. Winsor
Former Managing Director OIRF
Biological Medicine Consultant
Praxis2Practice Consulting

Statement of OIRF: |
By Dr. Walter Sturm†, Founder
Occidental Institute Research Foundation functions
was an information and technology bridge linking
top German practitioners and suppliers involved
in aspects of German Biological Medicine with
progressive English-speaking practitioners around
the world.
“Biological Medicine” - a phrase coined by Occidental Institute during the early 1980’s - was intended to be a general and inclusive term that incorporated many non-allopathic or natural diagnostic and therapeutic methods. There is no single product, personality, method or approach within Biological Medicine that will allow you to help all of your patients, with all of their health challenges, all of the time. It is for this reason that we see a constantly changing and developing range of methods coming available to practitioners worldwide.

[*1944 – †2004] |
By providing newsletters, exclusive books and publications, educational materials, hands-on seminars and workshops, video/DVD training, instrumentation recommendations and yearly clinic and lecture tours to Germany, OIRF promotes the growth of German Biological Medicine throughout North America, and in many other English speaking countries.
OIRF was a nonprofit society supported solely by our internal fund raising activities. As an independent research organization
we are constantly seeking and evaluating new
approaches to health care for our affiliated colleagues and supporters.
Few Words About Occidental Institute |
By Carolyn L. Winsor, Chairman of the
Board and C.E.O.
Institute was an international nonprofit
society for practitioners of biological medicine.
The Institute itself has been in continuous operation
since 1972. Since 1980, they specialized in
German biological medicine, which is far ahead of
the United States and Canada from the standpoint of
its acceptance, utilization, established remedies,
and superior instrumentation. Since then, we have
become the most influential organization in North
America and many other English speaking countries,
serving Biological Medicine practitioners worldwide. |
We were not some Johnny-come-lately group just
climbing onto the German Biological Medicine bandwagon.
We have trained hundreds of practitioners
from diverse English speaking countries, in the
most effective German diagnostic and therapeutic methods.
Essentially, we were an information and technology
bridge linking clinically proven German advancements
with English-speaking practitioners. However, since we do
not simply endorse any particular German approach or product
line, but rather cover all of
the most effective modalities,
you can rely on us for truly unbiased advice.
Besides facilitating purchase of instrumentation and training
on it, we offered comprehensive printed or recorded programs,
publications covering acupuncture, homeopathy
and a wide range of related topics, newsletters, yearly
clinic and lecture Tours to Germany, seminars by top experts
from Germany and North America, and - most importantly-
affiliation with fellow practitioners.
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