Wellness Products
These privately researched and developed wellness products are now available.

Ultra-Compact BioEnergetic Stimulator (UBS 315)
UBS 315 Water Energization
The Basic unit consists of two intensive photon sources: white and red as well as a planar Tesla coil. An audio socket is also built in for modulating the photon source and the magnetic field. Modulation and the USB charge cable are part of the basic supply.
For a more detailed description from Medical Electronics follow this link to attached PDF document.
PhotoBiological Glasses (FIT 915)
Photobiological intensive therapy.
Designed for photobiological stimulation of the eyes, vision, brain and hormonal system with the help of modulated light emitting diodes.
See full description from Medical Electronics here FIT915
To learn more about the FIT 915 please read My Thoughts though this link.

Bioactive protection against electrosmog and 5G
Create energetic fields which mimic undisturbed nature, our brain recognizes these primordial, natural stimuli oscillations and instantly synchronizes with them. It is like moving the disturbing frequencies far away from you or switching them off. As a result, the biosphere around you resembles an undisturbed, healthy environment again.
BOS 318 for small or single room. New BOS 518 for larger areas.
See full description from Medical Electronics here BOS 318

Neuro-Sync Alpha 7 is an electrical field stimulator of frequencies which the brain generates under especially ideal biological conditions. This will be delivered from the NSA 07 as a pulsating electrical noise spectrum to stimulate the brain activities. Eight especially effective frequencies are available to you with this device. With it a wide spectrum is possible to positively influence the brain. Also, the detrimental influence of “electrosmog” can be reduced considerably. Update 2020 includes frequency for protection from 5G.
See full description from Medical Electronics here NSA 07

ULD 117 compact laser / photons
Extremely compact disc with amazing therapy effects using soft laser and photon therapy. Modulated soft laser and photon therapy, magnetic and scalar field therapy, remedy maker and water energizing all combined in the most “compact device”.
See full description from Medical Electronics here ULD 117
Wellness and Beauty with Energy
The Hyper Photon 3000 is a complex laser and photon system combining advanced light and energy healing technology. It combines high-quality low-level laser with photons produced by equally high-quality LEDs, that can enhance the health benefits.
See description from Medical Electronics here HPT 3000

(Optional UBS 315 Adapter shown with UBS 315 installed)
This is meant for large items (i.e. glass teapots or jugs). This enables the use of items up to 160 mm in diameter and a total weight of up to 2 kg. The switches can be used as usual.
Tesla Transmitter
(Optional UBS 315 Trans shown with UBS 315 installed)
The transfer module is available for transferring bio energetic signals from the UBS 315 unit to the irradiated liquid or medium. The module consists of a transfer area with two Tesla coils and holders for maximum four vials. The transfer of the bio signals is achieved by active scalar fields which are emitted from the UBS 315 unit. Included in the delivery are five suitably sized vials.
Sensor for NSA 07
(Optional UBS 315 Sensor shown with separate NSA 07 installed.)
This transfer module is used to transfer signals generated by the NSA 07 unit. The module consists of a sensor for those signals which are emitted by the NSA 07 unit. These are then changed into audio signals enabling the modulation of the UBS 315 unit. Large volumes (a whole room) can therefore be energetically created with the frequency spectrum produced by the NSA 07 unit.
Portable Handle (ULD Port)
Portable handle for use with the ULD 117 or UBS 315

Life Tuner W – In Tune with Nature
For harmonization of your biological rhythm employing earth’s natural, weak, alternating magnetic fields. The battery-operated Life Tuner W is a magnetic field generator, which emits very weak, low frequency (few oscillations per second), pulsed, alternating magnetic fields.
For more detailed description from BioKat Systeme follow this link to attached PDF document.
For full description and direct order information visit their website at: https://www.bio-kat.de/wellness/?lang=en
Please Note: Contact Praxis2Practice by email to receive pricing, order and delivery information.
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