Ozone Therapy for the Treatment of
Post-Covid Syndrome

By Simon Feldhaus, MD


Post-covid Syndrome is a complex disease, but it can be successfully treated by an integrated treatment approach with a combined application of individual orthomolecular substances. A clarification of the background symptoms and the need for integrative treatment at the earliest possible time is important. In the case of Epstein-Barr virus, similar courses are known without leading to corresponding media fear-mongering representations. Within the framework of a multimodal treatment approach supported by individual laboratory diagnostics, ozone therapy is an important basic measure. The tolerability is very good and shows modulatory effects on immunological factors in the sense of regulatory medicine. Furthermore, antioxidant capacities are improved.

Not the least because of the Corona pandemic, secondary phenomena after viral diseases have come much more into focus than was the case 2 years ago. Post-Covid syndrome impressively shows that in some instances after a viral illness massive symptoms can also occur in the long term. Particularly in the foreground are fatigue and exhaustion conditions. These are also known as the result of an Epstein-Barr virus infection (EBV) only so far they are not really recognized and rather are considered a psychological “problem”. Now hopefully through the knowledge from the Corona pandemic a broader understanding occurs so that these patients are also taken seriously and the symptoms are considered as organically caused.

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