About Caroyln Winsor

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So far Caroyln Winsor has created 184 blog entries.

What’s New for February 2025?

What’s New for February 2025? 15 February 2025 Dear Colleagues and Friends, Dear Friends, Colleagues and Supporters, How quickly time flies when there is activity and transformation around us on a daily basis. And, especially when there is hope and optimism. The past years have been filled with so much challenge for those

What’s New for February 2025?2025-02-16T15:24:17-08:00

Transformation into Hope and Optimism

Transformation into Hope and Optimism 15 February 2025 Dear Friends, Colleagues and Supporters, How quickly time flies when there is activity and transformation around us on a daily basis. And, especially when there is hope and optimism. The past years have been filled with so much challenge for those of us working

Transformation into Hope and Optimism2025-02-17T08:04:17-08:00

Integrative Cancer Therapy for Breat Cancer

What To Do in Case of Post-/Long-COVID Syndrome Integrative Cancer Therapy for Breast Cancer, Improving Quality of Life and Survival Time for Patients by Brigitte van Hattem. With around 74,500 new cases annually, breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women, according to the Center for Cancer Registry Data

Integrative Cancer Therapy for Breat Cancer2025-02-16T15:01:18-08:00

What To Do in Case of Long-/Post-COVID Syndrome

What To Do in Case of Post-Long-COVID Syndrome What To Do in Case of Post-/Long-COVID Syndrome, Naturopathic Treatment Options by Oliver Ploss, DSc, HP: We speak of Post-COVID syndrome when the symptoms or consequential damage persist four weeks after the initial infection, which is actually over after two to three weeks. All

What To Do in Case of Long-/Post-COVID Syndrome2025-02-16T14:59:04-08:00

Bioenergetic Procedures

Bioenergetic Procedures for Food Intolerances and Allergies Bioenergetic Procedures for Food Intolerances and Allergies by Bodo Köhler, MD: Over the decades, a wide variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for intolerances and allergies have been established, from kinesiology to bioresonance, everything is represented. But in the meantime, orthodox medicine has also refined

Bioenergetic Procedures2025-02-16T14:56:34-08:00

BioResonance Therapist’s Handbook

BioResonance Therapist's Handbook, by Marguerite Lane, ND is now available!!! Based on Classical BioResonance Technology and the MORA and BioKat devices. A practical instruction manual for getting the best results from your BioResonance devices. An abundance of naturopathic and homeopathic hints, tips and advice Real-life case studies Starts simple, so that that

BioResonance Therapist’s Handbook2025-01-31T09:37:47-08:00

What’s New for January 2025?

What’s New for January 2025? 14 January 2025 Dear Colleagues and Friends, As usual the post-holiday time brings reflections along with the determination to make changes that improve our family, faith and professional lives. I promised myself I wouldn’t get all carried away with grand rhetoric and inspirational prose. And I will stick

What’s New for January 2025?2025-01-14T14:10:56-08:00

The New Year 2025

The New Year 2025 14 January 2025 As usual the post-holiday time brings reflections along with the determination to make changes that improve our family, faith and professional lives. I promised myself I wouldn’t get all carried away with grand rhetoric and inspirational prose. And I will stick with that. Too many situations

The New Year 20252025-01-14T13:58:50-08:00


Parasites and Their Effects on Health Parasites and Their Effects on Health: How Holistic Approaches and Sulfur Heal the Gut and Fight Chronic Inflammation, By Dr. med. Ingfried Hobert. Parasites are organisms that live in and feed on a host, often at the expense of the host's health. They are spread worldwide



Parasites are Energy Robbers Parasites are Energy Robbers; Thus, They Can be Used Healingly in Homeopathy, By Angelika Zimmermann, HP. Parasites are organisms (animals, plants, fungi, bacteria) that feed on other living beings, their hosts. While ectoparasites or external parasites, such as lice or mosquitoes, only adhere externally and temporarily, for example
