What’s New for February 2025?

15 February 2025

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Supporters,

How quickly time flies when there is activity and transformation around us on a daily basis. And, especially when there is hope and optimism. The past years have been filled with so much challenge for those of us working with natural and biological methods of medicine. So much focus has been on COVID with all its related political, censorship, economic and in particular health and consequential issues that I and many others have simply lost sight of a pathway to freedom of choice in treatment. These struggles, combined with the necessary recovery efforts within the disaster areas of the past year, needed the political upheaval in the USA since Inauguration Day a few short weeks ago, to awaken realization that perhaps now some of that transformation will impact availability of our biological medicine methods. To read my full commentary article with important informational links, please follow this link

Here are the usual news, announcements, conference dates and newsletter items for this month.


Please follow this link to “My Thoughts” on the P2P website for previous commentaries and articles. A listing for all of the past PDF article translations is shown on that same “My Thoughts” page for your easier access.

Here are the links for this month’s articles and commentaries with reminders of some recent ones as well:

  • New: Transformation into Hope and Optimism, by Carolyn Winsor: This month’s commentary and important informational links. Read more here.
  • New: Bioenergetic Procedures for Food Intolerances and Allergies by Bodo Köhler, MD: Over the decades, a wide variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for intolerances and allergies have been established, from kinesiology to bioresonance, everything is represented. But in the meantime, orthodox medicine has also refined its test procedures. It is becoming more and more difficult to keep up with everything. What makes sense, what is less, and what is perhaps just charlatanry? Despite all the research, the progression of allergies seems unstoppable. Could it be that the previous scientific approach is not right? Could it even be true that our science has no approach at all, because it cannot describe the vitality of being or has misunderstood it? I think it’s worth looking for other solutions. There are various useful approaches. Read more here.
  • New: What To Do in Case of Post-/Long-COVID Syndrome, Naturopathic Treatment Options by Oliver Ploss, DSc, HP: We speak of Post-COVID syndrome when the symptoms or consequential damage persist four weeks after the initial infection, which is actually over after two to three weeks. All symptoms that persist for more than eight weeks are called Long-COVID. Read more here.
  • New: Integrative Cancer Therapy for Breast Cancer, Improving Quality of Life and Survival Time for Patients by Brigitte van Hattem. With around 74,500 new cases annually, breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women, according to the Center for Cancer Registry Data of the Robert Koch Institute. According to that, one in eight women will develop breast cancer in the course of her life, and one in six affected women is not yet 50 years old. Read more here. [Although of personal interest to me, the article does contain some useful and effective information. CLW]
  • In Memory: The Passing of the great Heinrich Rossman, MD. For details, please follow this link.
  • Pulmonary Mycoses: The Importance of Mucosal Systems and Important Distinction Between Mucosal and Molds in Diagnosis and Therapy, By Martin Keymer. Severe, inflammatory pulmonary mycoses are relatively rare in the practice of a naturopath. A strict distinction must be made as to whether it is an inflammatory pulmonary mycosis (with rapid and extensive damage to vital functions) or an allergic problem. As a result, the courses vary from mild, self-limiting infections to life-threatening diseases, with appropriate treatment approaches. Read more here.
  • Parasites and Their Effects on Health: How Holistic Approaches and Sulfur Heal the Gut and Fight Chronic Inflammation, By med. Ingfried Hobert. Parasites are organisms that live in and feed on a host, often at the expense of the host’s health. They are spread worldwide and affect people of all ages and lifestyles. Although they are often associated with tropical regions, parasites are not uncommon even in temperate climates. By traveling, eating contaminated food or water, and contact with animals, people can easily come into contact with parasites. Read more here.
  • Parasites are Energy Robbers; Thus, They Can be Used Healingly in Homeopathy, by Angelika Zimmermann, HP. Parasites are organisms (animals, plants, fungi, bacteria) that feed on other living beings, their hosts. While ectoparasites or external parasites, such as lice or mosquitoes, only adhere externally and temporarily, for example to get a blood meal, the following is about endo- or internal parasites. Read more here.
  • Corona & Co., Part 1: Preparatory Detoxification Cure to Support a Therapeutic Intervention of Long-/Post-Covid and Post-Vac, By Christine Sanftl, HP: According to the WHO, you speak of Long-/Post-Covid when patients have persistent or recurring symptoms for more than four weeks after a corona infection; in the case of symptoms twelve weeks afterwards, then of Post-Covid syndrome. According to an international research project, a pathological protein produced by the organism due to the Corona virus seems to be responsible for the Long-/Post-Covid symptoms. Scientific studies have so far shown that these parts of the virus leave traces in the body – even long after surviving Corona infections. Read more here.
  • Corona & Co., Part 2: Preparatory Detoxification Cure to Support a Therapeutic Intervention of Long-/Post-Covid and Post-Vac, By Christine Sanftl, HP: In the first part (raum&zeit No. 251), the most common symptoms and complaints of Long-Covid, Post-Covid and Post-Vac illness were described. The use of special natural substances within a curative application to improve health problems as well as the overall situation can be a promising approach as a basis for treatment.
    In this part, the function and procedure of the detoxification and regeneration cure is described in detail.
    Please also see Carolyn’s comments and analysis in this 2nd part article. Read more here.
  • Carelessness or Transhumanism Agenda? Graphene in Covid Syringes, by Joe Romanski: On the basis of emerging millions of complications and deaths worldwide after Covid vaccinations, numerous scientists and doctors have analyzed the contents of the mRNA syringes on their own initiative and found, among other things, indications of graphene and other questionable substances. After researching their findings, Joe Romanski attempts to summarize and classify the events.
    Please follow this link to see the full article


I’ve had conversations with several docs just now starting to learn basic point and medication testing. There are few courses available, and Dr. Yu’s next session is in April 2023. So, my basic and general advice to start is contact Mr. Gordon Johnston at Matrixx Solutions and obtain one of the small, relatively inexpensive Kindling test devices (follow this link for more details). Then the next step is to learn the points and practice, practice, practice. Here are basic study materials:

Exclusive P2P Training Materials: For those of you who are just starting into point and medication testing methods, here is some basic “textbook” information. Order the Special: EAV Mini-Manual plus Point and Medication Testing Report (see Item #5 under Products/Publications/Acupuncture & EAV on the P2P website). With these two reports you have detailed diagrams and descriptions of which points to test along with the compiled information on how to test those points. Both reports are available in PDF format and can be supplied on disc or USB stick or download. Price CDN $65 or US $60 plus shipping. Contact Carolyn by email to order your copy (course materials for AMA workshops).

There are also video recordings (recorded with Dr. Sturm many years ago, but still valid for learning the basics). See Item #80 under Products/Publications/Video Training Programs on the P2P website.

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences:

As travel restrictions have eased many conferences are once again gearing up for fully in person sessions. Here are a few that I recommend. I’ll keep this information updated as details are made available. Watch for office closure dates.

  • The Forum for Integrative Medicine (TFIM)
    Cracking the Code of Chronic Illness
    April 3-5, 2025
    Austin, TX
    In person only conference
    Follow this link for details and to register: TFIM
  • Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) workshops of Simon Yu.
    Introductory & Refresher Courses
    May 1-4, 2025
    Advanced Course
    September 4-7, 2025
    Note revised dates and please follow this link for details and to register AMA Workshop.
    BOOKS: Be sure to get your copies of Dr. Yu’s books: AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, by Simon Yu, MD. Both books are now available through Amazon.
  • 58th Medicine Week Congress
    Oct. 29 – Nov. 2, 2025
    Baden-Baden, Germany
    Follow this link for details and to register for full congress Medicine Week Congress
  • Annual A4M Conference
    Longevity Fest 2025
    December 12-14, 2025
    Las Vegas,– NV
    Follow this link for details and to register A4M Conference

Away from my desk dates:

  • All is stable for now – there are several newer conferences that I am still researching and hoping to attend. Stayed tuned for updates!
  • Rumors are flying for a new conference English language to be held by Effective Biomedicine in Vienna, Austria 2-6 October 2025 as an alternative to the famous Baden-Baden Medicine Week Congress. To date few speaker or venue details available. Stay tuned for details.

For all recommended conferences and seminars, please follow this link to the Events section of the P2P website

Product Info

Personal from CarolynIMPORTANT NOTICE: Recent customs and FDA clearance of shipments has delayed several orders of these exceptional small wellness devices. For now I have re-instated placement of orders with Medical Electronics. I will continue offering this liaison service for that company for now, but extend the warning that there is no guarantee they can continue to ship into No. America indefinitely. I will no longer offer the option of “bundling” 2 or 3 devices into one package to reduce shipping charges. This way, the smaller packages seem to clear customs and import without difficulty and we return to the efficient deliveries of the past. To be clear – shipping is expensive, but it works and is delivered to your door within days of shipping. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Have you followed the links yet? Have you experienced the effectiveness of these amazing little devices? I personally sleep with my NeuroSync every night. The BOS 318 is settled on the cabinet in my small home office and used especially on days like today when I am writing and working creatively. I set my tea or water on top of the UBS 315 sitting (safely) on a corner of my desk. In the future should I decide to fully retire and/or move into a senior’s residence, these devices would come with me. I cannot stress how useful they are for us – AND – they are inexpensive enough you can even sell or recommend them to your patients. Enough said (again) . . .

  • Neuro-Sync alpha 7 ”E” (NSA 07): Electrical field stimulator of frequencies which the brain generates under especially ideal biological conditions. Update Feb. 2020: This device (at slightly increased cost) now includes frequencies mimicking normal unpolluted emf fields and thus protection from 5G. Consider this a personal item to be worn or carried. [Note: I personally use this device nightly to assist with sleep, and whenever I am driving in my hybrid vehicle. Also used during times when I am writing and translating. Many docs wear one while in practice as part shield and clarity boost, and recommend them to their patients. I personally highly recommend this device, and find it highly effective. CLW]
  • Ultra-Compact Laser Disc (ULD 117): Combines soft laser, photon, magnetic and scalar field therapies, along with water energization and remedy information transfer.
  • BioSpheres Optimization System (BOS 318): Bioactive protection against electrosmog and 5G. This item is designed for use in a small room or space with three available frequencies. The newer BOS 518 is designed for use in larger areas (whole house) and includes a full range of frequencies.

That’s all for this time, folks. Please follow the links and I know you will find much of interest and inspiration. It is with great pleasure that I am able to write to you and to share the many interesting developments in this field of energy and biological healing that I am constantly seeing in the German, European and American journals, publications and conferences. Much more next time.

With all best wishes for our continued journey in energy medicine, be well and be healthy . . .

Carolyn L. Winsor
Biological Healing Consultant

Let’s Work Together