Bioenergetic Procedures for Food Intolerances and Allergies

Bioenergetic Procedures for Food Intolerances and Allergies by Bodo Köhler, MD: Over the decades, a wide variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for intolerances and allergies have been established, from kinesiology to bioresonance, everything is represented. But in the meantime, orthodox medicine has also refined its test procedures. It is becoming more and more difficult to keep up with everything. What makes sense, what is less, and what is perhaps just charlatanry? Despite all the research, the progression of allergies seems unstoppable. Could it be that the previous scientific approach is not right? Could it even be true that our science has no approach at all, because it cannot describe the vitality of being or has misunderstood it? I think it’s worth looking for other solutions. There are various useful approaches.
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