Transformation into Hope and Optimism
15 February 2025
Dear Friends, Colleagues and Supporters,
How quickly time flies when there is activity and transformation around us on a daily basis. And, especially when there is hope and optimism. The past years have been filled with so much challenge for those of us working with natural and biological methods of medicine. So much focus has been on COVID with all its related political, censorship, economic and in particular health and consequential issues that I and many others have simply lost sight of a pathway to freedom of choice in treatment. These struggles, combined with the necessary recovery efforts within the disaster areas of the past year, needed the political upheaval in the USA since Inauguration Day a few short weeks ago, to awaken realization that perhaps now some of that transformation will impact availability of our biological medicine methods.
I won’t delve into the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. beyond clearly stating that this – I feel and pray – is one of the most optimistic and pivotal moments not only for the USA politically but for the practice of medicine. Perhaps, finally, this is our moment of Kairos.
I’ve watched folks like Sayer Ji from Green Med Info and Dr. Peter McCullough support this MAHA movement in the hope of restoring “freedom of choice” in medicine. Let us hope that just as Pres. Trump fulfilled his promises to RFK Jr, and brought him into this powerful position in the health(sick)care system of the US, that RFK will be able to fulfill the possibilities of his position.
I will admit, I’m still glued to the TV and my newsletters, and have eagerly heard from so many of you through Zoom and email conversations. Along with the three articles I managed to translate and prepare for this month’s publications, here are some of the many interesting and informative articles currently being more openly published and recognized. Information presented by those far more erudite and influential than I, and I trust you will find what interests you among them, and share this time of optimism with me.
There have been many transformative articles, which while they take us back to the gloomy days of the past few years, are now offering the evidence and analysis that is needed to understand what happened. I think back to the books by RFK Jr. detailing Dr. Fauci’s “activities” and the many physicians, researchers and practitioners who stood up and attempted to tell us about the use of many methods and medications that could have saved lives and eased suffering. The following articles state it far better than I ever could – but it is the evidence, the solid data that we need to understand why we were such a threat to the powers-that-be.
One tip from CLW – I urge you to subscribe to the “new” e-newsletter from Townsend to see their regular exceptional articles and commentaries. Follow this link to subscribe
From Dr. Mercola:
20 December 2024
By “A Midwestern Doctor”
The FDAs War on America’s Health
Follow this link for the full article
This article gives a nice overview of the history of the FDA, outlines many of the flaws and some good suggestions for how it can all be reformed.
From Global Research:
20 December 2024
By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null
Autism, Made in the USA
Follow this link for the full article
“Over the past few decades, the dramatic increase in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), now diagnosed in 1 in every 36 children, has often been attributed to improved definitions for ASD and diagnostic tools. However, a closer look at government statistics reveals alarming trends in children’s health that go far beyond better diagnostics. Since the early 1990s, there have been staggering increases in several chronic conditions: ADHD rates have risen by 890 percent, autism diagnoses by 2,094 percent, bipolar disease in youth by 10,833 percent, and celiac disease by 1,011 percent. These numbers beg the question—what has fundamentally changed in our children’s health over the past three decades?”
20 January 2025
By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null
The Tragic Cost of Suppressing Effective, Affordable COVID-19 Treatments
Follow this link for the full article
“How do we confront situations where individuals in positions of immense authority fail to admit they were catastrophically wrong – especially when their decisions, policies, and actions have contributed to millions of lives lost? During the COVID-19 pandemic, Anthony Fauci and federal health agencies exerted near-complete control over the nation’s medical response. Every directive was treated as gospel, and dissent – even when supported by solid scientific evidence – was silenced. The consequences of this authoritarian approach were disastrous.”
CLW Comment: And on this day as he left the White House – 20 January 2025 – Mr. Biden issued a pre-emptive pardon for Dr. Fauci.
07 February 2025
By Nicholas Hulscher, MPH Epidemiologist and Fdn. Administrator McCullough Foundation
Irrefutable Evidence Supporting Immediate Market Withdrawal of COVID-19 “Vaccines”: Peer-Reviewed Study
Follow this link for the full article
“Over 81,000 physicians, scientists, and concerned citizens, 240 elected officials, 17 professional organizations, excess mortality, negative efficacy, and DNA contamination call for urgent action.”
Three articles from The Activist Post of The Brownstone Institute
27 January 2025
By Dr. Robert Malone
Final Report: Covid Select [Committee] Concludes Two-Year Investigation. The single most thorough review of the pandemic conducted to date.
Follow this link for the full article
10 February 2025
By Michael Tomlinson
The Balance Sheet of Pandemic Mortality
Follow this link for the full article
“An essential principle should be that the more serious the breaches of individual liberty brought about by public health measures, the more hard evidence of their effectiveness is needed.
Governments should not be able to trample on individual liberties because they think that their interventions might work in theory, and then retrospectively justify them with statistical magic.”
And a follow up article, 13 February 2025
By Michael Tomlinson
Vaccines Were Supposed to End the Pandemic. Excess Death Figures Tell a Different Story
Follow this link for the full article
From Natural News
10 February 2025
By Willow Tohi
The dark side of geoengineering: A Citizen’s brave stand against weather modification
Follow this link for the full article.
CLW Comment: Note heavy metals found: aluminum, zinc, barium, strontium, titanium and magnesium
Then comes hope. Here are the articles showing how we move away from corruption, censorship and oppression.
Three exceptional articles from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service:
31 December 2024
By Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD
New Year’s Message from the Editor-in-Chief of OMNS to Our Readers
Follow this link for the full article
CLW Comment: Notice of the passing of Dr. Andrew Saul and of Dr. Michael Gonzalez
31 January 2024
By Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD
It’s Not About Politics, It’s About Reclaiming Health with Common Sense – How the 3 Core Views on Medicine Can Transform Our Approach to Health
Follow this link for the full article
“I have been passionately writing and speaking about the MAHA (Make America Healthy Again) movement to both my Chinese and English readers. While I don’t hide my excitement, yet I often receive well-meaning concerns and suggestions to avoid mixing health advocacy with politics. But is this really about politics?
No, it’s not.
What I’m advocating is about common sense. It’s about logic. It’s about tradition. And it’s about human history. At its core, this is a call to realign our approach to health and medicine with foundational principles that have stood the test of time.”
03 February 2025
By Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD, et. al.
Science Demands Questions: The Danger of Silencing Vaccine Critics
Follow this link for the full article
“Vaccines have become one of the most polarized topics in modern public discourse. The moment an individual raises questions or expresses doubt about vaccines, they are often hastily labeled as “anti-vaxxers” or conspiracy theorists. This reaction stifles critical thinking, undermines scientific inquiry, and ironically, harms public health-the very thing vaccines are designed to protect.
At their core, vaccines are pharmaceutical products. They are drugs, designed to provoke specific biological responses within the body to build immunity against certain diseases. Like all drugs, vaccines come with inherent risks, potential side effects, and limitations. No medical intervention is infallible, and to pretend otherwise contradicts the fundamental principles of science and medicine.”
From Global Research:
14 February 2025
By Prof. Anthony J. Hall
The Prosecutors of Dr. Charles Hoffe Back Off.
Follow this link for the full article
“Dr. Charles Hoffe, who had a family medical practice in small-town British Columbia, made a large impact in publicizing the lethal dangers of the COVID jab. He was so effective in making the case that the jabs were anything but safe and effective, that Dr. Hoffe was made the subject of a Stalin-style show trial in Canada where he was prosecuted for medical malpractice.
Powerful interests sought to make a spectacle of this doctor for doing due diligence; for conscientiously warning the public the COVID-19 shots were in fact a high-order medical hazard. Now the media-medical-government-and-Big Pharma establishment has little choice but to start to reckon with the fact that Dr. Hoffe was on right side of history and those who opposed him are not. Dr. Hoffe is a hero and the Jab Obsessive Justin Trudeau is less than zero.”
CLW comment: Although this case was highly publicized in the national and provincial media as the powers-that-be persecuted Dr. Hoffe, this quiet withdrawal of prosecution has taken place without fanfare or notice in any of that same Canadian media. An interesting side part of the story, is that during a recent wildfire season, a train running through the area of the small town of Lytton dragged a chain that sparked a huge conflagration that destroyed the entire town of Lytton. Now the community not only has no doctor, but the town has been obliterated and is still not being rebuilt. I wonder how this brave man will go forward.
Optimism – What Can We Do?
And finally, there is optimism. The “what can we do to help?” portion of most of my recent commentaries. These are the mustard seeds I’ve spoken of previously, my friends. These are the tidbits that will assist you helping those patients who so desperately need our help and expertise.
By Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Peter McCullough Explains the “Holy Grail” of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification
Follow this link for the full article
From Dr. Mercola
14 February 2025
What Wildfire Illness Can Teach Us About Treating COPD
Follow this link for the full article
CLW Comment: Yes – here is some detail for what we’re looking at with patients from the disaster areas. Note the information on exposure to heavy metals and so many other pollutants outlined here. Again I say – if you are in that area be sure to collect air, ash, dust and debris samples. These will become critically important for assessment and treatment as time passes.
And another one from Orthomolecular Medicine News Service:
27 January 2025
By Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD
Orthomolecular Nutrition Immunity: A Holistic Alternative to Vaccines Against Infections
Follow this link for the full article
And from Carolyn and Praxis2Practice:
- New: Bioenergetic Procedures for Food Intolerances and Allergies by Bodo Köhler, MD: Over the decades, a wide variety of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for intolerances and allergies have been established, from kinesiology to bioresonance, everything is represented. But in the meantime, orthodox medicine has also refined its test procedures. It is becoming more and more difficult to keep up with everything. What makes sense, what is less, and what is perhaps just charlatanry? Despite all the research, the progression of allergies seems unstoppable. Could it be that the previous scientific approach is not right? Could it even be true that our science has no approach at all, because it cannot describe the vitality of being or has misunderstood it? I think it’s worth looking for other solutions. There are various useful approaches. Read more here.
- New: What To Do in Case of Post-/Long-COVID Syndrome, Naturopathic Treatment Options by Oliver Ploss, DSc, HP: We speak of Post-COVID syndrome when the symptoms or consequential damage persist four weeks after the initial infection, which is actually over after two to three weeks. All symptoms that persist for more than eight weeks are called Long-COVID. Read more here.
- New: Integrative Cancer Therapy for Breast Cancer, Improving Quality of Life and Survival Time for Patients by Brigitte van Hattem. With around 74,500 new cases annually, breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women, according to the Center for Cancer Registry Data of the Robert Koch Institute. According to that, one in eight women will develop breast cancer in the course of her life, and one in six affected women is not yet 50 years old. Read more here. [Although of personal interest to me, the article does contain some useful and effective information. CLW]
Well my friends, this will likely keep you busy for awhile! Let us move forward with much optimism as we move through this Kairos moment of transformation (argh – philosophical or what 🙋🏻♀️). Anyway, that will be all for this month and I must admit putting this all into a somewhat organized system has been fun. Until next month . . .