The New Year 2025
14 January 2025
As usual the post-holiday time brings reflections along with the determination to make changes that improve our family, faith and professional lives. I promised myself I wouldn’t get all carried away with grand rhetoric and inspirational prose. And I will stick with that. Too many situations of chaos and uncertainty surround everyone politically, economically and professionally during this interesting but transformational time.
For days, I have remained glued to the television watching the unfolding catastrophe that is the wildfire situation in southern California. Since our Okanagan Valley has been an epicenter for “regular” wildfire events over the some thirty years I have lived here, I certainly understand and empathize with the survivors and victims of these deadly fires. Combined with the tragedies of the hurricanes in Florida and the Carolina’s, along with the terrible fires in Lahaina, Hawaii, perhaps our “authorities” can turn away from the “climate change” agenda and actually look toward proper “management” of our resources. My prayers go out to everyone affected both directly and indirectly.
HINT and Note regarding the fires: Those of you in the area – I pray you are safe – but here is one more important task for you during this time. Please take air, ash and fine debris samples. These will become increasingly important as the weeks, months and years flash past us after this tragedy. With these samples you will be able to test and treat your patients for the associated toxins and poisons that are so rapidly accumulating.
After a quiet holiday season (and the end of our Canadian postal strike), I am once again engrossed in my monthly journals. So many now are going digital in response to the increasing costs of publication on paper. I’ve seen this particularly with the North American and English newsletters, as OIRF and I did more than 10 years ago. Old fashioned as I probably am, I’m still not sure whether reading an email or PDF on your smartphone is as effective as holding a piece of printed paper – but then I’m more than happy I no longer have to print hundreds of copies of each letter and laboriously label, stuff, seal and postage each envelope. Not sure where that distraction came from, but it still leads me back to my point.
It has been fascinating to watch all the new “younger” and “newer” personalities that have emerged with their fantastic websites and regular (many of them daily! – do they ever sleep?) publications in our field that encompasses so many alternative methods. I’ve watched with a bit of a smile, as they discover and re-discover the methods that OIRF has talked about for decades. All of a sudden they talk about water and purifiers – each with their own suggestions. Then “stem cells” became a monthly wonder. Lately it has been red light therapy. At one point I found red light beds that were selling for nearly $400,000 dollars! Leases available. Holy mackerel folks! I do understand the need to have an income in order to continue research and publication, but . . .
Thinking back to the many methods that OIRF introduced here in North America (and several other English language countries) over the 46 years they were in business, was quite a lengthy series of memories. Along with BioResonance (MORA and BioKat) came the Purolux R/O water filters, Color therapy, PEMF devices, and let’s remember Biophotons. So here we are once again back to Red Light therapy which in the end equates in most current situations to LLLT. Most of these devices can still be obtained as “wellness” devices and do not require the “medical” designation. Hmm.
And in view of this designation I have remained so grateful to the Medical Electronics firm and the devices designed by Mr. Dieter Jossner. The use of LLLT concepts when applied with the technical and design genius of BioPhoton theory has given us highly effective and cost effective therapy and wellness devices for more than 30 years. Although there have been some challenges with import of even the smaller devices in recent months, as we sort out the labelling and import problems I am reassured we can at least keep them available for quite some time. I’m not sure how I would get along without my NeuroSync or BOS devices. Be sure to check out my repetitive reminders about these amazing little devices. Pricing is expected to remain stable for the near future.
And so, for this month I have managed to put together three article translations along with a message about the passing of yet another of the great ones from the field of EAV. Here are the links for this months articles:
- In Memory: The Passing of the great Heinrich Rossman, MD. For details, please follow this link.
- Pulmonary Mycoses: The Importance of Mucosal Systems and Important Distinction Between Mucosal and Molds in Diagnosis and Therapy, By Martin Keymer. Severe, inflammatory pulmonary mycoses are relatively rare in the practice of a naturopath. A strict distinction must be made as to whether it is an inflammatory pulmonary mycosis (with rapid and extensive damage to vital functions) or an allergic problem. As a result, the courses vary from mild, self-limiting infections to life-threatening diseases, with appropriate treatment approaches. Read more here.
- Parasites and Their Effects on Health: How Holistic Approaches and Sulfur Heal the Gut and Fight Chronic Inflammation, By med. Ingfried Hobert. Parasites are organisms that live in and feed on a host, often at the expense of the host’s health. They are spread worldwide and affect people of all ages and lifestyles. Although they are often associated with tropical regions, parasites are not uncommon even in temperate climates. By traveling, eating contaminated food or water, and contact with animals, people can easily come into contact with parasites. Read more here.
- Parasites are Energy Robbers; Thus, They Can be Used Healingly in Homeopathy, By Angelika Zimmermann, HP. Parasites are organisms (animals, plants, fungi, bacteria) that feed on other living beings, their hosts. While ectoparasites or external parasites, such as lice or mosquitoes, only adhere externally and temporarily, for example to get a blood meal, the following is about endo- or internal parasites. Read more here.
And so my dear friends, I send wishes to each and all that this year 2025 will be successful and bring many favorable changes to our field of biological and energy medicine. For those in the several disaster areas may you find relief, care and recovery.
Happy New Year.