What’s New for May 2023

23 May 2023

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As I returned from the St. Louis AMA Workshop with Dr. Simon Yu, I felt energized after working with the amazing docs who attended. It was a great workshop and there are two more planned for this summer. See more details below on how to register for those workshops that will be more application and clinically oriented.

On return it was also as though I have emerged from the dark days of winter and illness (yes, Dr. G.S. has been successfully treating me for Long Covid) although I do still tire easily. During these past months I have struggled to keep up with translations, newsletters, correspondence, orders and so many other activities. The one project that has suffered from lack of progress is work on the OIRF legacy website. In light of recent Federal and Provincial restrictive measures (see “Protection or Repression” commentary link below) I feel compelled to ensure that the many years of publications, newsletters, articles and translations are preserved and protected for future practitioners.

To that end, I have decided to take a hiatus from my duties and chores for P2P/OIRF for the coming summer months in order to focus solely on collecting and categorizing all the materials for input into the new website. Afterall, OIRF was founded in 1972 and that means there are at least 51 years of files to go through page by page. I think my work is cut out for me! So, I am going to bid you all “adieu” for now, and will be back into a normal routine at my desk in late summer or early fall.

I will continue to monitor emails and process orders as quickly as possible, but thank you in advance for our patience and understanding of any delays you encounter.


With news of the sudden and unexpected passing of Dr. Rashid Buttar, DO last week, I offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. He will be greatly missed in our community of energy and natural healers. Jonathan Otto and Dr. Henry Ealy will host a live memorial honoring his legacy this evening at 7:00 PM PST. Here is the link for those who wish to join:
>>> Join us live at 7 PM PT tonight as we pay tribute to his life’s work
May his family find solace, and may his legacy and powerhouse courage guide us in the challenges ahead in this field.


Please follow this link to “My Thoughts” on the P2P website for previous commentaries and articles. A listing for all of the past PDF article translations has been added to that same “My Thoughts” page for your easier access.
Here are the links for this month’s articles and commentaries with reminders of some recent ones as well:

  • The Technology of Horror, The Campaign of mRNA Gene Therapy, by Thomas A. Hein. The mRNA vaccination manipulates the organism in a massive way. It is obvious that such an intervention in the highly complex processes of constant health maintenance can have disastrous consequences, and unfortunately appears blatantly obvious in practice. Nevertheless, the application of this dangerous technology, which is actually a gene therapy, is to be expanded more and more – in humans and in animals. Read more here.
  • Electrosmog in the Car, The Underestimated Danger, by Christian Dittrich-Opitz. Many people associate the term electrosmog with mobile [cell] phones and Wi-Fi, but rarely with the interior of a car crammed with electronics. E-cars and hybrids in particular expose the occupants to a high level of electromagnetic intensity. Christian Dittrich-Opitz on EMF stress in the car and how to get rid of it. Read more here.
  • Protection or Repression, by Carolyn Winsor. Astounding news about recently passed legislation which enacts involuntary treatment, suppression of dissent and makes vaccintion and various treatment protocols mandatory. There are also a few tidbits of information and a workshop reminder.
    Read more here.
  • Corona Virus and Dark Field Diagnostics, by Marita Schirrmacher, HP. During the time of the Corona virus pandemic, dark field diagnostics have once more gained increasing importance. Unfortunately in many media and internet portals the most bizarre images, speculations and statements about “typical” changes in the blood of COVID patients and/or SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated people are rampant, which circulate unchecked. Some even claim they can differentiate the different vaccines of the manufacturers by means of dark field in the blood of vaccinated people. Read more here.
  • Homeopathy for Long Covid, by Uwe Friedrich, MD. Long-Covid can be treated very well with homeopathy in the first few months after a Corona infection or Corona vaccination. This article presents the most commonly indicated remedies for curing Long-Covid and explains the underlying homeopathic treatment concept. This consists of administration of the appropriate nosode, the appropriate specific homeopathic remedy and, depending on the case, an accompanying treatment with “power remedies”. Very protracted Long-Covid courses are often complicated by exacerbations of old chronic diseases, new traumatizations, and repeated vaccinations. A successful homeopathic treatment is also possible here, but requires great experience. Read more here.
  • Remembering Genius, By Carolyn Winsor: The passing of Dieter Jossner of Medical Electronics. Read more here. If you would like to add a memory or comment to this page, please send Carolyn an email with the message and I wqill make the addition.
  • Test Set Resources, compiled by Carolyn Winsor. No further comment necessary. Read more here

BOOK REMINDER: BioResonance Therapist’s Handbook, by Marguerite Lane, ND is now available!!! Based on Classical BioResonance Technology and the MORA and BioKat devices. A practical instruction manual for getting the best results from your BioResonance devices.

  • An abundance of naturopathic and homeopathic hints, tips and advice
  • Real-life case studies
  • Starts simple, so that that the novice can help people immediately
  • Advanced techniques described in detail
  • More than 350 pages of information
  • Available for purchase at this link

I’ve had conversations with several docs just now starting to learn basic point and medication testing. There are few courses available, and Dr. Yu’s next session is in April 2023. So, my basic and general advice to start is contact Mr. Gordon Johnston at Matrixx Solutions and obtain one of the small, relatively inexpensive Kindling test devices (follow this link for more details). Then the next step is to learn the points and practice, practice, practice. Here are basic study materials:

Exclusive P2P Training Materials: For those of you who are just starting into point and medication testing methods, here is some basic “textbook” information. Order the Special: EAV Mini-Manual plus Point and Medication Testing Report (see Item #5 under Products/Publications/Acupuncture & EAV on the P2P website). With these two reports you have detailed diagrams and descriptions of which points to test along with the compiled information on how to test those points. Both reports are available in PDF format and can be supplied on disc or USB stick or download. Price CDN $65 or US $60 plus shipping. Contact Carolyn by email to order your copy (course materials for AMA workshops).

There are also video recordings (recorded with Dr. Sturm many years ago, but still valid for learning the basics). See Item #80 under Products/Publications/Video Training Programs on the P2P website.

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences:

Yes, Dr. Yu has once again invited me to join him in St. Louis in April for his next AMA workshop. Now that my caregiver obligations for my Mom during her decline have ended, and seeing that many of the virus travel restrictions have been lessened, I feel more comfortable thinking about traveling again. Since I was coerced and forced into having both Mom and I vax’d, I do have the necessary vaccine passports for entry into the US, and the powers that be have authorized renewal of my Nexus card, so I am planning on accepting that invitation.

I hope to see you there as we support Dr. Yu’s efforts to continue training new practitioners in point and medication testing techniques and to spread this information as far and wide as we can. Let’s work together for the New Year 2023! Here are links to the important registration details for Dr. Yu’s and several other important workshops.

  1. Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) workshops of Simon Yu.
    Here are the new dates for 2023:
    April 27-30
    (Standard Training)     COMPLETED!
    June 22-25, 2023
    (Refresher Training)
    August 24-27, 2023
    (Advanced Clinic)
    Follow this link to register today AMA Workshop
    BOOKS: Be sure to get your copies of Dr. Yu’s books: AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, by Simon Yu, MD. Both books are now available through Amazon.
  2. For all recommended conferences and seminars, please follow this link to the Events section of the P2P website

Product Info

I’m just going to keep repeating the points here about these devices. As the major projects I’m trying to fulfill come closer to completion, I’ll fill you in on my personal experiences with these amazing little miracles during recent difficult months. Even were I to retire completely and move into a seniors residence the Neuro-Sync and BOS devices would come with me. I cannot stress how useful they are for us – AND – they are inexpensive enough you can even sell them to your patients. Enough said for this time . . .

  • Neuro-Sync alpha 7 ”E” (NSA 07): Electrical field stimulator of frequencies which the brain generates under especially ideal biological conditions. Update Feb. 2020: This device (at slightly increased cost) now includes frequencies mimicking normal unpolluted emf fields and thus protection from 5G. Consider this a personal item to be worn or carried.
  • Ultra-Compact Laser Disc (ULD 117): Combines soft laser, photon, magnetic and scalar field therapies, along with water energization and remedy information transfer.
  • BioSpheres Optimization System (BOS 318): Bioactive protection against electrosmog
    and 5G. This item is designed for use in a small room or space with three available frequencies. The newer BOS 518 is designed for use in larger areas (whole house) and includes a full range of frequencies.

That’s all for this time, folks. Please follow the links and I know you will find much of interest and inspiration. It is with great pleasure that I am able to write to you and to share the many interesting developments in this field of energy and biological healing that I am constantly seeing in the German, European and American journals, publications and conferences. Much more next time! – But I will see you in the Fall!

Until next time, be well and be healthy . . .

Carolyn L. Winsor
Biological Healing Consultant

Let’s Work Together