Interim Results of the Ongoing Long-/Post-Covid Study

From the Hospital for Naturopathic Medicine in Munich

A Report from Robert Schmidt, MD

The KfN is one of the largest facilities for integrative patient care in the German-speaking world with 110 beds. From the conventional point of view, the KfN is a specialist clinic for internal medicine, and in addition primarily classical naturopathy and other complementary medical treatment approaches such as detoxification/drainage procedures, neural therapy and homeopathy are offered. Additionally, orthomolecular medicine and microbiological therapy are used as well as individual procedures from other medical concepts, e.g. acupuncture from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Our physical department offers a particularly wide range of services: These include, for example, reflex procedures such as foot reflex or connective tissue massage (FRZM/BGM), manual therapy, reflective respiratory therapy and dynamic spinal balance as well as osteopathic techniques, to name just a few. Read much more here.

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